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Where do you ship to?

We ship worldwide from the United States. We are not shipping to Russia or Ukraine at this time.

How long will my order take?

Please refer to the product descriptions for expected ship dates. If you ordered multiple items, your order will be held until the entire order is ready to ship.

This does not include time in transit and is regardless of shipping method chosen at checkout.

How much does shipping cost?

All shipping rates will vary depending on a few different factors, some of which include:

  • Domestic vs International shipments
  • Total weight of package
  • Selected shipping method

The shipping cost will be calculated at checkout based each order.

I live outside the United States. Will there be customs fees due on my order?

International shipments may be subject to customs fees, duties, and/or taxes based on your country. These fees are the sole responsibility of the purcahser and will vary by country and order value. We are unable to provide reimbursment for these fees or for orders returned due to unpaid customs fees.

Can I change my shipping address after I've placed my order?

Yes, as long as your order has not already shipped and is not being updated to an international address! Please email help@emeraldfulfillment.com with your name, order number, and updated shipping address as soon as possible. Once your order leaves our warehouse we are unable to make any changes.

What happens if my package is lost or stolen?

We are not responsible for any packages that are lost, stolen or damaged after it leaves our warehouse.

To protect your shipment, we offer Route+ Shipping Protection to insure your order against loss, theft and damage. This is available to add at checkout.

For more information on Route+, click here.

Can I cancel or return my order for a refund?

All sales are final. We are unable to offer refunds at this time.

Do you offer exchanges?

Exchanges are dependent on current stock levels and item(s) purchased. Please email help@emeraldfulfillment.com for any exchange inquiries. The cost of shipping will be the customer's responsibility.